It's Sunday now.. I kinda hate Sundays. Well I used to like Sundays but nowadays my parents always bug me to study on Sundays before going out. Sigh.. they never ask me to study before... I guess it's because I haven't get excellent grades since last year.
I remember being in form 1 till 3, I didn't have to study and I still get most of the subjects A or even all A's =.=. Sorry if I sound "lan ci". It's true....

Well.. today I DID put some effort. I tend to listen to music more than I study. Play guitar two hours a day.. Too many pieces to play and I wanna practice most of them everyday. My mom once got so mad with me that she threaten that she might cancel my music lessons if I get unreasonable results again..
Taylor Swift's songs and even Jonas Brothers and The Click Five. I tend to listen more to their songs lately haha. There's this jpop band "The Brilliant Green". Woohhoo they rock well for a girl rock singer =D. Well, Paramore's of course better hehe.

Geez I have nothing to say today. Just feeling dull today xD.
Hmm.. can anybody tell me how to impress a girl??
No.1 - Being sporty?
No.2 - Being romantic?
No.3 - Being sensitive?
No.4 - Being talented?
Lolx... That's my question to myself. Tell me more tips xD. p.s [this is just a joke]
Well it all depends on the person. How you succeed in love life is how you stroke the golden string.
Everyone isn't perfect. Everybody has flaws and weakness, even different strong points and strengths. Understanding each others strengths and weaknesses is the key to a happy and joyful life =).

Well that's it for now. See ya next time. Chiaozz!!
Your faithful lover,
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