Friday, July 18, 2008
To walk a dark road with lights. It's really something.
Shucks.. I can't update my blog due to my lame comp =X. Had to go to my friends house to post a new one xD.
Anyways, today during PJK, my Ict friends and I had to go to the lab. We were assessed by a teacher from Kementrian xD. Luckily I managed to redo my assignments without flaws and answered all her questions she threw at me =D.
We stayed back until 11 something. Missed recess and classes xD.
Oh yeah on Thursday, my completed my birthday card for Felicia. Fuh, didn't know I could do it actually xD. I tried my best to draw out the picture. Well, for your info I referred from an anime, Ginban Kaleidoscope where there's a figure skater in the anime, Tazusa Sakurano.
But I changed the hairstyle and eyes haha.
Happy early birthday to you =).
Anyways, I have to go for tuition today. Tutorial Lee.
I ate dinner and later drop by MacDonalds for some ice-cream. Around 8, time to study xD.
Fuh, tiring haha. Not because it's boring but it's my lack of sleep last night =P.
Okay that's it for today.
Catch ya guys later.
Yours sincerely,
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Haha just another day day day xD.
Woots today I got my new hp. =DD.
Not much but still way cooler than my old phone.
Sony ericsson W660I. Hehe.
Well.. My darn comp got crashed and I canit update my post often =(. Feeling kinda tired nowadays but I tend to take pictures around haha.
Oh yeah, today I went Subang Parade with my family. Bought a bracelet for someone. I tried buying some papers to make a card too haha.
Well.. it's just a nice happy family outing to a mall.
See ya for now.
Yours sincerely,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Free to fly!! Just yet... xD.
I've just finish my LAME add maths project. Kinda relieve yeah =D. But I still have my ict projects to be completed with the spm trials coming soon =X
Yeah... yesterday was a tragic and melodramatic day huhu~~.
Mr Guna had gone to the other side... away from us, his family..
We'll miss you and hope you know that we always love you~. He passed away at approximately 3 p.m yesterday. My deepest condolences to you and your family~.
Sigh... I feel really tired today.
p.s [I blog at 5 p.m today... kind early huh?]
I just wanna tell you guys how I feel today...
Sad, anger, confusion... =(
I bet you all think that I'm such an emotional person. I'm not usually like this you know.. it's just that things are so hard these days xD. I just feel so alone these days. My heart feels empty =X.
-Breaking myself (Linkin Park plagarised version by me)
I don't want to be the one the battles always choose,
Cause inside I realised that I'm the one confuse,
I don't know what's worth fighting for,
Or why I had to scream.
I don't know why I instigate,
and say what I don't mean.
I don't know how I got this way,
I guess it's just the price I had to pay,
though it's such an expensive day..
I know it's too late to be thinking about anything else but to study. I tried studying 5 hours yesterday. Almost died man xDxD. Then, I got sooo bored that I helped my mom bake lolx. At least can eat some delicious bread =P.
I can okay? xD
Anyways nighty nightz already =).
Yours always,
Monday, July 7, 2008
You're the music in me. Yang terindah, masih ada, yang tercantik untuk kamu =)
Hello once again people =D.
Mondays.. Fun? Exciting? Bewildered? Astonished? Sad? Angry?
You guys must have some mix feelings today right?
Sure sure heh.
I'm so worned out after studying + tuition. Bm tuition.
Saya rasa-kan yang saya terlalu stress dah. Cam ni mana boleh dapat tidur lena =(.
I got inspiration to write this all of a sudden. Check 'em out hehe.
Demi kamu,
Seribu lautan sanggup ku renangi,
Sejuta bintang sanggup ku lewati,
Sujuta hektar sanggup ku jalani,
Sejuta sungai sanggup ku harungi
Sejuta gunung sanggup ku daki.
Adakah kau akan kembali semula? jika ditakdirkan... Sesungguhnya kamu umpama akar tunjang, lemah dan liat, desis hati kecil ku, tapi.. dilentur mahu, dipatah tidak dapat...
Sejagat raya mentertawakan saya.. tetapi kau.. kau lah yang meruntun kepiluan di hati saya..
Bunga kembang sudah pun layu,
terbang tinggi dibawa bayu,
tidak dapat lupakan hati yang sayu,
harap kasih dijadikan nyiru,
menjadi kota terbuat dari kayu.
Dengan kau,
Bisa ular yang membawa maut,
tidak ku takut,
kehendak hati ku turut.

Well.. my emo + bm frenzy today made my mind fired up for today muahaha.
Hmm.. do you like Simple Plan's singles? I love 'em all!! Woohoo they rock hard hehe. I bet you guys out there had listened to their songs many times on radio. Recently, their new album singles, "when i'm gone" and 'your love is a lie" came out many times.
Still, I love their older album "still not getting any" =).
p.s [I'm certain their next singles "i can wait forever" will come out on radio soon hehe]

That's all for today!!
See ya 'all.
Yours sincerely,
Sunday, July 6, 2008
All play and no work makes Jack a dumb boy =X
It's Sunday now.. I kinda hate Sundays. Well I used to like Sundays but nowadays my parents always bug me to study on Sundays before going out. Sigh.. they never ask me to study before... I guess it's because I haven't get excellent grades since last year.
I remember being in form 1 till 3, I didn't have to study and I still get most of the subjects A or even all A's =.=. Sorry if I sound "lan ci". It's true....

Well.. today I DID put some effort. I tend to listen to music more than I study. Play guitar two hours a day.. Too many pieces to play and I wanna practice most of them everyday. My mom once got so mad with me that she threaten that she might cancel my music lessons if I get unreasonable results again..
Taylor Swift's songs and even Jonas Brothers and The Click Five. I tend to listen more to their songs lately haha. There's this jpop band "The Brilliant Green". Woohhoo they rock well for a girl rock singer =D. Well, Paramore's of course better hehe.

Geez I have nothing to say today. Just feeling dull today xD.
Hmm.. can anybody tell me how to impress a girl??
No.1 - Being sporty?
No.2 - Being romantic?
No.3 - Being sensitive?
No.4 - Being talented?
Lolx... That's my question to myself. Tell me more tips xD. p.s [this is just a joke]
Well it all depends on the person. How you succeed in love life is how you stroke the golden string.
Everyone isn't perfect. Everybody has flaws and weakness, even different strong points and strengths. Understanding each others strengths and weaknesses is the key to a happy and joyful life =).

Well that's it for now. See ya next time. Chiaozz!!
Your faithful lover,
Saturday, July 5, 2008
A life deserves it's right to live in this world =).
It's finally a Saturday lol. Still, it ain't fun cause I have to start studying already. Trials on 28th of July xD. Well.. today I had to go ace-venture and my group did stomp! Stomp is a musical stuff using utensils instead of musical instruments. We had to create a nice rhythm together. Well, we did quite well considering the lack of practice haha =D.
Oh yeah, I helped to count the money yesterday for Mr. Guna's donation. On Thursday was rm960+ and yesterday was rm 580 =). Well.. not much yet but at least we tried to support him and his family. As you know, Mr. Guna is in comma right now huhu. Hope he get's well soon. He's a real dedicated teacher you know. Those who donated, may God Bless you =).
Money is nothing compared to a life so please help him out okay? =)
Hmm... have you all bought all the albums of Simple Plan, BoA, Utada Hikaru and Green Day? Haha don't mind me cause I wanna show off a bit hehe. I got all of 'em (thanks to my sis for helping me buy Utada Hikaru's album =P). I have tons of classical music collection as well lol. That including AbbA, Richard Clayderman, Mason Williams, Stanley Myers, Roland Dyens, etc etc etc (lazy to list xD).

That's bout it for today.
Have to study later on xD. Maybe chemistry or something =X.
Remember, never be afraid to fail as success comes on learning through failures. Bring me to a guy who never fails and I can tell you he never succeed in life. So, for those who still haven't get A's for some subjects, keep trying hard as success is in everyone's palms to grasp. =)
Your's faithfully,
Friday, July 4, 2008
It's a tiring, emotional, fun Friday =D.
What a day today xD.
Hmm.. I'll start with the first thing that happens in school. It's physhics period and i tend to go down a bit late with some other classmates xD. Pn. Jega have some issues man.. This is a cut of what she said today.
"Why you all so slow?? Tindak balas not fast enough? You have to be that fast. Hasan also very slow. Tindak balas is very slow. Anton also. Marvin is strong now." (har?? lol). "Hey, what's your name ar? Debbie ar? You are the worst. Ask your mother give you strawberry juice and something else... is very good.. ar.. asparagus! You see those girls' in front, they so good thindak balas." Preman so slow.. that girl (Jia Ying) she's the slower. Don't take the flavoured one, buy the fresh man and blend it."
She went on and on and on until 3/4 of one period's gone. Haha lolx.
Today, it's Bio! I like bio =). Today I think it's the funniest period ever. We learnt bout' reproduction. Then, there's some funny stories... method to do also xDxD.
Shucks, I forgot something really really important. Guilhem left Malaysia already.. huhu =(. We'll miss him a lot. LAst time, I played with him basketball haha but now he's back in France. =( . Good luck Guilhem and hope to see you again.
See ya and ge taime' bien =P.
Oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Denisa and Marian =). today we had a party at Denisa's house and it was fun. There were three cakes!! One brought in by Milton. Chocolate indulgence, chocolate mud cake and tiramisu (slur). then we have four canadian pizzas and snacks + tomato soup. Nice huh? Hehe. Eh, by the way I have pictures of the food and cakes. Aiks.. lost my cable.(post it next time). Then, we watched a movie "The producer". Pretty hilarious movie haha. Seriously exciting =D.
(the dark side)...
Sigh.. today i'm pretty down.. err.. (no comment). You know, I told my mom something that makes me feel a bit sad I guess.
Marc : Ma ,if I met a christian girl and "if" I needa change religion to be with her. Can ar?
Mom: I won't stop you but try not to change (she sounded a bit serious). Study study first girls come later
What a reply xD.
Well.. I guess I'm just a pathetic moron for asking that. Bah!! Forget it guys...
Just stay strong, there's no other way when it comes to the truth. Am I contradicting myself? =(
Your's sincerely,
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Fever, guitar fever? Nah =P
By the way, for Shawn's and other friends in my class info, I'll be skipping school every Monday and Thursday. Going library and study helps me to concentrate better. Cause I can sleep a bit longer and not feeling tired =D. Well.. other circumstances at school also distracts me xD.
Today I learn a new classical song, an etude by Fernando Sor =.=. Oh well, play it for praticing my scales and finger exercise.
Hmm, since i'm out of topics, might as well I tell you guys bout' my life this year.
3rd Jan 2008,
It's fun!! I can see all my friends again all in one building without barricade lol.
But, I kinda lazy to wake up cause I'm too used to waking up late during the holidays.
10th Jan 2008,
I remembered I tried not to speak for the whole day and I succeed lol. Oh yeah, that day was my most memorable day of the year cause... I met someone.. Ahaha it's nothing important for you guys =P. I go around not talking at all. Cool man gg.
Err.. I can't remember the dates anymore xD.
But there was one day that I did a dumb thing. Wey, Jun Loong give me wrong info bout' someone and guess what?? I gave a message with a battery clipped on it so that it won't fly away and put it on someone's desk. Wth, when I found out my mistake I was erupting inside xD!! But what to do, I can't turn the clock back.
Oh yeah, last year Jan I bought a new classical guitar. Rm 4000 (slur). Spanish imported guitar you know haha (I bet my classical guitar worth more than a Telecaster electric guitar =P). My music friends especially John and Ammus have better ones than me, rm8000 and rm11000 respectively!! Crazy.... But I even saw a rm25000 before =.=.
Well that's all that crossed my mind today. I might tell more bout' my crazy past next time. Chiaozz!!
Your's sincerely,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
After two years.. I planned to blog again.. but this time, a fresh start..
Well.. well.. I started blogging again cause my pet sisters and a few of my online friends wanna see me start a new blog. Well I finally made up my mind to start blogging again.
To begin, I made a new blog cause I forgot my old blogspot and password =.=.
Anyways, my old blog ain't that good (due to playing too much online games).
Hmm, in here I'm a brand new person ahaha.
Ayealo, that's me =).
Hmm.. I'll start off fresh here with my very first post as Ayealo.
Actually I'm sick since Monday but I guess I still can think well. Forgive me for my blurness in any way.
Well today is the first day of July 08. ....
Not much of fun though since i'm sick and still have to go to school xD. Plus I have ict after school period and I was sneezing all the way till I FINALLY reach home lol.
Then I have tuition at 4!! Totally nuts man.. I can't really think straight today so pardon my blur act on my very first post xD.Yawn.. damn I'm still sneezing now. Nose red like a tomato (no pictures =P).(closing eyes)..well good night and sweet dreams (ah.. choo..)tomorrow will be a better post I assure you =D.
Remember, life is always about challenges and never fear to face the music.
Your faithful bard,